Quick Facts for Legislators & Interested Parties

Overview of the IV-D (Child Support) Program – Quick Facts (2024)

Arrears Compromise – Quick Facts (2022)

Child Support and Child Welfare – Quick Facts (2023)

Child Support Assignment, Pass-Through, and Distribution – Quick Facts (2022)

Child Support Enforcement – Quick Facts (2024)

Child Support Guidelines – Quick Facts (2024)

Child Support and Domestic Violence – Quick Facts (2022)

Child Support Program Funding – Quick Facts (2022)

Child Support Program Incentives – Quick Facts (2022)

Child Support Program Employer Requirements – Quick Facts (2022)

Credit Reporting – Quick Facts (2023)

Federal Tax Offset Program – Quick Facts (2024)

Family Centered Services – Quick Facts (2023)

Intercepting Gambling Winnings – Quick Facts  (2024)

The 2007 Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support – Quick Facts (2022)

Incarcerated Parents – Quick Facts (2024)

Income Withholding – Quick Facts (2024)

Intergovernmental Child Support – Quick Facts  (2022)

IRS and the IV-D (Child Support) Program – Quick Facts (2022)

Medical Support – Quick Facts (2023)

Members of the Military – Quick Facts (2023)

Parenting Time – Quick Facts (2023)

Passport Denial – Quick Facts  (2022)

Paternity Establishment & Parentage – Quick Facts (2024)

Review and Adjustment of Support Orders – Quick Facts  (2024)

Same Sex Parents – Quick Facts (2023)

Support Order Establishment – Quick Facts  (2022)

Tribal IV-D (Child Support) Programs – Quick Facts  (2022)

Workforce Initiatives – Quick Facts (2024)