Finding and Managing the Bright Lines/the Right Lines in Protecting Against Workplace Violence and Sexual Harassment.

This second session of NCSEA’s three part series on labor law will provide attendees with valuable knowledge and experience on managing violence in the workplace including the most recent issues involving “#MeToo” allegations. We have two expert and well versed Child Support Directors, Craig Burshem and Alisha Griffin who will share their experiences, knowledge, tools and techniques to help ensure you are better able to manage this complex arena.

Our program will address:

  • the rights of every employee to be able, to the best of their abilities, work in an environment where they feel safe, free from the misuse of power, abuse and violence
  • the responsibility of management to create, monitor and enforce a safe work environment
  • the tools and techniques that management should use and apply to establish and ensure a safe environment
  • the components of a quality investigation utilizing both internal and external resources ensuing equal treatment of both accused and accuser
  • the structural impacts of the investigation and organization and
  • the how to prepare for and address backlash

Craig Burshem – IV-D Director, Virginia Child Support Services
Alisha Griffin – Managing Director, Alisha Griffin Wks
Karen Hebert – IV-D Director, New Hampshire Child Support DHHS/DCSS


Registration for this event is closed. Members can access the NCSEA Web Talk Library for the recording.