NCSEA Web Talk: Trauma Informed & Healing Centered Interactions

Trauma Informed & Healing Centered Interactions
Looking inward and outward to identify solutions and increase our effectiveness in carrying out our missions

Thursday, March 16, 2023 – 2:00pm – 3:15pm ET


The clientele served by child support and other human services systems are disproportionately impacted with trauma histories such that becoming trauma informed is essential to our collective effectiveness. Learn about what trauma is; ACE’s (adverse childhood experiences); what trauma informed & healing centered interactions look like; why trauma informed & healing centered interactions matter for our clientele and ourselves; and begin thinking about whether we can all do better and what that might look like.


Kelly R. Little, Founder/President, Urban Institute for Strengthening Families

Sarah A. Mathews, Cass County, MI Friend of the Court

Hon. Carol M. Bealor, Cass County, MI Courts